Monday, May 23, 2011

Woefully Unreliable

Talking about me, here. I promised you that I would post something at least once a week and I have not. I do apologize. This past Sunday we had a guest pastor at church. His message topic was: Temptation. A big part of temptation comes from within. Wow. Ouch. Therefore, temptation from within my own self has pulled me to focus my attention on other things instead of this blog. That being said, do you think that our kiddos (or spouses) with Asperger's Syndrome are more prone to temptation than the rest of us, given that they can be so focused on ONE thing for a long period of time? And because it often seems that they are only interested in what they WANT to focus on?

What are your thoughts on this?

Look up a Scripture verse this week that talks about temptation and come back and tell me what you learned from it. I'll do it, too.

