Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why I Won't Obey (aka Meltdown Moment)

Last night at the end of dinner we had a Meltdown Moment. Parents, you know what these are: you ask your child to do a simple task but, because you didn't ask ahead of time, your kiddo (especially an Aspie) has a meltdown. That's what happened. I tried to figure out what was going on and how to make it better for all; my husband simply found himself getting impatient, as all of us who are NT seem to do.

When we had figured out the main mood of my daughter at that time was confusion, I asked her, "Are you confused because you don't know why we're asking you to help (clear the table) or are you confused because you don't know why you don't want to help?" she acknowledged that it was the second part of that question.

As I thought about that this morning, I also thought of how we as followers of Jesus often don't want to do what He asks of us. We want to do what WE want to do. Please don't ask us (even neurotypicals) to do something we deem unpleasant or not fun!

So, basically, I think the root of all discipline issues is our sin nature, regardless of whether we're neurotypical, Aspie, or something else. The difference is in the way that is communicated and understood. So now I'm at the beginning of my journey to help my precious Aspie, in her literal, black and white world, understand and internalize WHY Jesus asks us to do certain things, like obey our parents, and HOW she can do that in spite of herself.

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Obviously, I am not consistent on updating this blog! I promise to do a much better job from here on out. I promise to update at least once a month! :^)

On that note, have you ever noticed that the people you know with Asperger's Syndrome aren't always consistent in their reactions? Or are the Aspie folks in your circle of influence pretty consistent in reacting the same way to the same thing?

I'd like to say that my daughter is pretty consistent in her reactions but sometimes there are things that 'shut her down' that I don't even know will do that!

What are your experiences?
