Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Title and How this Blog Got Started

We're told that all the answers can be found in the Bible. Or maybe, more specifically, in Jesus. I believe this; truly, I do. But honestly, sometimes I'd like the Bible to be a little more specific. Like in our recent revelation that our daughter has Aspergers Syndrome. What do you do with that? And as I turned to God, reading through His Word, my thought was, "Where is "Asperger's" (or even "special needs" for that matter) listed in the Bible?

Then I thought, "I'm probably not the only one struggling with this." I then had the bright idea to write a book! (Mind you, this whole thought process took place TODAY, May 25, 2010.) Great idea? Yes. Except. Except I'm already in the middle of writing another book, totally off topic, with a few other ideas in the forerunning for books. So maybe, not such a great idea for me. Plus, it would take too long to get out amongst the people who really need the education, support, and information.

Therefore, I am now blogging. Go me! Actually, go YOU! If you're reading this it's for one of two reasons:

1) I pestered you with an email begging you to "Go See My New Blog"


2) You heard about it from someone and are curious or really need to know you're not alone in the Aspergers journey, whether you be an Aspie, teacher, parent, friend, etc.

For whatever reason you're here, Welcome! I invite you on this journey, hopefully in a semi-realtime basis, as we discover, together, what we need to know about this very well kept secret that so many more people need to know about.

Oh yes, let's not forget about the 'dragons' in the title. I've always found them fascinating. In fact, I believe that the leviathan mentioned in the Book of Job (found just before the Book of Psalms in the Holy Bible) actually describes a dragon. And sometimes, I think Aspergers can be just as amazing and mystifying!

Welcome to the Journey!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your journey. Your blog will help you and others, it's a great idea!


This blog is simply my attempt to encourage and support those who find themselves suddenly on the journey through Aspergers. Please be supportive of everyone. If you just need to vent your frustration, please let us know that's what you're doing. HOWEVER, NO FOUL LANGUAGE OR MISUSE OF THE LORD'S NAME WILL BE TOLERATED.

Thank you for your understanding.
