Friday, January 21, 2011


Do you ever know that you need to do something, like clean the house, but once you set your mind to do it, when you look around, it just overwhelms you? Think about that feeling for a moment. I think that may have been how my daughter was feeling today when she was working on her math homework. She was grumbling so I asked her what was wrong. She said, "I...I...I feel overwhelmed." However, when I asked her how she was feeling overwhelmed, she really didn't know how to explain it. Is your Aspie, or other special needs, kiddo ever just overwhelmed? Does that ever frustrate you? Next time, let's both take a deep breath, step back, and think about those times that we have felt overwhelmed. Perhaps we'll both gain some insight as to what's happening inside our precious kiddos at that moment! May God bless you with understanding and insight!


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This blog is simply my attempt to encourage and support those who find themselves suddenly on the journey through Aspergers. Please be supportive of everyone. If you just need to vent your frustration, please let us know that's what you're doing. HOWEVER, NO FOUL LANGUAGE OR MISUSE OF THE LORD'S NAME WILL BE TOLERATED.

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