Sunday, March 4, 2012

I've been distract . . .oh, why is my desk so dusty . . .

Bunny trails. Familiar with those? You begin with matching your loose socks together and discover one that belongs to your son. You go to put it in his drawer and notice his dirty clothes on the floor, so you decide to start the laundry. Then you remember the baseball uniform needs to be washed because pictures are tomorrow. Oh, that's right, you're supposed to bring a snack. So now you go to the grocery store. But before you go to the store, do you need things for dinner? Oh, and don't forget the coupons! etc, etc, etc.

We all get distracted and evidently I've been distracted for over two months now since I haven't posted a single thing here. Oops.

Yep, you're right, I did make a promise a few months back and have failed miserably in keeping that promise. Part of the problem is that I get so distracted. What about your unique child? Do they struggle with distraction? Or maybe they're not "distracted" necessarily because they're hyperfocused on something. Drives you nuts when they don't hear you, doesn't it?

Remember, these kids are Aspergers kids. Their brains are wired differently. We need to remember that getting impatient and upset when they don't respond to us in the way WE think they should does no one any good and will probably just make the situation worse. Take a deep breath, Mom and Dad, and think about ways to interact with your kid that you know WILL work. Don't know what will work? Well, stop whatever you're doing now that isn't working and try something different. Remember, your Aspie child is equally frustrated but they need your help. So please help.


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This blog is simply my attempt to encourage and support those who find themselves suddenly on the journey through Aspergers. Please be supportive of everyone. If you just need to vent your frustration, please let us know that's what you're doing. HOWEVER, NO FOUL LANGUAGE OR MISUSE OF THE LORD'S NAME WILL BE TOLERATED.

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